HC 301H - Beneath the Surface Science

Professor: Rebecca Altman

4.00 credits

  • CRN 32237: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20 AM @ CHA 301
  • CRN 32238: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20 PM @ CHA 301

Whether scrolling through your phone, studying at your desk, or staying dry by wearing a raincoat, we interact with surfaces all day every day. Surfaces are everywhere... which means just about anything involves surface science. Questions like, “How do touchscreens work?”, “Why is some mascara waterproof but others aren’t?”, and “Why can some bugs walk on water?” can all be answered through one avenue: Surface science.

In this course, you will engage with the scientific method through the lens of surface science, having the freedom to explore any topic or anything that is dependent on surfaces. Through our lectures and class discussions, you will work in teams to develop and pursue an original research project that investigates some facet of surface science application. By gathering real data from the world around you, you will analyze and report your results through written and oral presentations, learning how to think and question like a scientist.