Professor: Ulrick Casimir
4.00 credits
- CRN 32255: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:50 PM @ CHA 201
The goals of this course are deceptively simple: to refine your understanding of the rudiments and mechanics of fiction writing, and to foster the development of habits vital to the future production of solid, expressive prose (which includes but is not limited to literary prose), beyond the confines of this course. These interconnected goals require both close reading and artful writing, and we will be doing a good deal of both in this class. But this is primarily a workshop course, meaning that the majority of our class meetings will be dedicated to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to receive well-considered, constructive criticism and feedback, from their instructor and their peers, on their fiction writing. Primary physical/print texts for this course will be determined by an individualized reading list that each student will assemble by the end of the third week of class (all reading lists will be put together with instructor guidance and will be subject to instructor approval). These lists will be based off of the narrative readings that I have assigned; we will talk in class (and individually) a great deal about how to generate and organize these reading lists during the first and second weeks of the term. All other required texts/readings will be provided for you, through Canvas.