Professor: Kristen Rahilly
4.00 credits
- CRN 32267: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20 PM @ PSC B006
Have you ever wondered what it would look like to see the surface of the Earth from space? With satellite images, we can do exactly that. We can observe the changes that have happened and are happening to our Earth - changes caused by both natural and human-influenced processes. Our focus in this course will be to use satellite images to better understand the impacts of climate change - how are landscapes around us changing here in Oregon? How have the landscapes you grew up knowing changed? How are landscapes changing across the globe? We will pair our scientific observations with human stories that together will tell the impacts these changing landscapes have had on issues related to environmental and climate justice. Students will use satellite images to create an original research project. Daily class meetings will take place in the Allan Price Science Commons Visualization Lab.