HC 477H - Thesis Prospectus

2.00 credits

  • CRN 32284: Monday, 12:00-1:50 PM @ MCK 240C; Anita Chari
  • CRN 32283: Thursday, 10:00-11:50 AM @ LIB 401; Trond Jacobsen
  • CRN 32287: Thursday, 2:00-3:50 PM @ GSH 103; Ellen Fitzpatrick
  • CRN 32290: Thursday, 4:00-5:50 PM @ MCK 473; Elizabeth Raisanen
  • CRN 32285: Tuesday, 12:00-1:50 PM @ MCK 347; Trond Jacobsen
  • CRN 32288: Tuesday, 8:00-9:50 AM @ CHA 102; Ellen Fitzpatrick
  • CRN 32282: Wednesday, 10:00-11:50 AM @ MCK 345; Lindsay Hinkle
  • CRN 32286: Wednesday, 2:00-3:50 PM @ MCK 345; Anita Chari
  • CRN 36607: Tuesday, 10:00-11:50 AM @ LIB 401; Kristen Rahilly

HC 477H Thesis Prospectus requires preauthorization before each term. To obtain preauthorization, you must complete an online Thesis Prospectus Application Form, which will generate a confirmation email to your Primary Thesis Advisor, verifying that they have agreed to serve. You have the best chance of getting your first choice of H477H section if you submit this information by Friday of Week 6 of the term before you plan to take the course. You may submit the form and be preauthorized to register for HC 477H until the first week of the term in which you are taking the course as long as there are seats available. More information on registering for HC 477H can be found on the CHC website. Please contact Academic Thesis and Programs Manager Miriam Jordan (mjordan@uoregon.edu) with questions about registering for Thesis Prospectus.The educational experience in the Clark Honors College culminates in a thesis written in your field that meets disciplinary standards while conveying the conclusions and broader significance of your research to a general audience. The thesis offers the opportunity to delve into the research that most interests and excites you, in which you use the foundational blocks of critical thinking, analytical reading, effective writing, clear oral communication, independence, problem-solving, and creativity that you have been learning in both the Honors College courses and in your major. This thesis prospectus course launches you into this thesis project and the various aspects of the research process. At the end of the course you should feel reasonably prepared to embark on the thesis in efficient ways, with a good relationship cemented with your advisor, and with explicit steps to take to complete your thesis on schedule.