The Thesis Project
As a CHC student, you will complete a thesis project during your fourth year. You will apply the critical thinking and communication skills you have learned in the CHC to explore ideas, problems, approaches, and practices in your field of study. We explain the significance of the thesis project and how the process works.
“It is okay to be non-traditional! The thesis I created was nothing like a classic research paper and at the beginning I had no idea that was even allowed.”
—Angela Pelky, Class of 2023, Computer Science
How a thesis topic is born

“I wanted to find a project that allowed me to express myself creatively. I also do a lot of self reflection in my spare time and enjoy looking inward as a way of understanding the world around me. My primary thesis advisor was very adaptive and kind, encouraging me to identify a project that I would be thrilled to work on.”
—Calvin Warner, Environmental Studies, Class of 2023
The Impact of Casual Observation on Environmental Appreciation and Personal Wellbeing

“I kind of paved my own path with this thesis project. I was combining the fields of entrepreneurship and computer science, so I thought about valuable processes that applied to both fields. As part of computer science projects, you go through a multi-step process of defining requirements, designing those requirements, and finally testing them. I used these templates as a basis for my project.”
—Angela Pelky, Computer Science, Class of 2023
A Journey to Build a Dog Walking Application

“Lean into a topic or experience that you found fascinating, like study abroad, to get the most out of that one experience and make the thesis project slightly outside your typical realm - that difference will make your project more interesting and easier to work on through the year.”
—Grace Miyoshi, Journalism, Class of 2023
Monopponom as an emerging Japansese American craft: Creating a transcultural public relations plan
Three Steps to a Successful Thesis Project
Design your project.
It's never too early to start planning!
- Take HC 277 Thesis Orientation
- Develop an idea or a question around what inspires you in your field of study
- Identify a primary thesis advisor who agrees to be on your thesis committee
- Enroll in HC 477 Thesis Prospectus
Act on your ideas.
Since every student’s thesis project is unique, the precise steps involved in completing yours will be specific to you. You might:
- Perform lab or library research, collect data in the field, engage with the community, create artwork, design, compose, choreograph...
- Take independent study credits
- Apply for funding
No matter what, make sure you stay in close contact with your primary thesis advisor.
Share the results.
Communication is the critical path to completing your thesis project. Get ready to:
- Write up your thesis project, which may also include performance, artwork, recordings, or other digital media
- Defend your thesis project in a 20-30 minute oral presentation
- Participate in the optional but fun Three-Minute Thesis competition (watch the most recent 3MT competition)
- Archive your thesis project
How will I be supported in the thesis project?
► Field-specific expertise and mentorship from your chosen Primary Thesis Advisor
► General support through the thesis project from your CHC Representative
► Required courses dedicated to planning: Thesis Orientation and Thesis Prospectus
► Starting sophomore year, general academic advising from your CHC Faculty Advisor
► A curriculum designed to strengthen your research, analysis and communication skills
► Access to faculty and funding opportunities via CHC's Mentored Research Program
► Option to join Writing in Community groups that build time and accountability into your schedule
► Option to take independent research credits that let you focus on your thesis project
► Dedicated thesis resource staff ready to answer your questions

“Schedule an appointment with a librarian at the beginning of your research. They have extensive knowledge of the best databases to utilize and can guide you in using search engines and filters to your advantage. This will maximize your efficiency and empower you to start your thesis journey with confidence.”
—Yessica Roldan, Human Physiology, Class of 2023
Nintedanib: A New Hope for Patients with Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease
Thesis Resource Staff
Beyond your chosen thesis committee, the Clark Honors College also has dedicated staff to support you during your thesis process, from start to finish.

Miriam Alexis Jordan
CHC Undergraduate Student Support Manager
Miriam Alexis Jordan provides administrative and technical support on benchmarks and protocols as you progress through the thesis project process toward graduation. She believes in the importance of a liberal arts education (and lifelong learning) and is committed to your student success. When you are ready to begin the thesis project process, Miriam is your guide.
Email: mjordan@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-2511
Cecilia Justina
CHC Undergraduate Program Assistant
Cecilia Justina provides support for formatting your thesis document. She can review thesis drafts at least 10 days prior to your defense date and provide feedback for corrections to be made after your defense. She is available to answer any questions about thesis formatting.
Email: justinac@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1298
Research Help at UO Libraries
Chloe Barnett is the Library Liaison for the Clark Honors College and the Undergraduate Engagement and Student Success Librarian for the University of Oregon Libraries. Chloe is a research specialist who can answer any questions regarding the library or your research projects, as well as to connect you with other library services. UO Libraries has specific librarians to support research in most of the academic disciplines studied at the university. View a complete list of subject and area librarians on the library website.
Email: chloemb@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-2989
Schedule an Appointment with Chloe

More questions about the thesis project?
We've got answers. Students should read the Frequently Asked Questions about the CHC Thesis Project. If you are a Primary Thesis Advisor or a CHC Representative, find helpful information below.