Message from the CHC Dean

CHC Graduation Celebration 2024

August 16, 2024

family with graduate in regalia, wearing hawaiian shirts featuring the graduate's photo, in the Chapman Library at the CHC's graduation celebration

The 2023-2024 academic year was filled with excitement! On top of welcoming a new president and a new provost to campus, hosting the Board of Trustees to a reception here in Chapman Hall, and holding the second-annual CHC Three Minute Thesis Competition, 177 students defended their theses this year, with 98 of them taking place in a single week in May. It was a whirlwind of activity from start to finish.

We closed the year with a celebration of the Class of 2024. Our graduates showed up with multiple friends and family in tow, with members of one beaming family sporting Hawaiian shirts featuring photos of their student. Nearly a third of the students elected to Phi Beta Kappa were CHC students, as well as four of the Oregon Six. On the CHC website, you will find our Senior Spotlight, which includes the stories of several members of the class of 2024, as well as video interviews of seniors reflecting on their favorite CHC memories.

I can’t wait to welcome the incoming CHC class to campus in the fall. These students will be met by an innovative, award-winning cohort of faculty, including four new career faculty members in the natural sciences. UO President Karl Scholz’s strategic plan will be finalized soon, and I look forward to embarking on the development of a vision and strategic plan for the CHC that aligns with his inspirational new goals.

May the remainder of your summer be restful and rejuvenating, with equal parts enrichment and fun.

Carol Stabile

Read Past Messages

Last week, following an extensive national search process, the University of Oregon's Office of the Provost announced my appointment as the permanent dean of the Robert D. Clark Honors College. You can read the full announcement from the Office of the Provost at their website.

Spring is officially here, although the masses of daffodils that line the lawn behind Chapman Hall have been broadcasting its arrival with their sunny faces for some weeks now.

Not long after we resumed on-campus operations after the pandemic, one of my advisees came to my student hours. Clearly exhausted, he shrugged off his backpack and sank into a chair. He was having trouble writing his thesis, he told me, and didn’t know what to do.

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