Dare Baldwin

Profile picture of Dare Baldwin
Clark Honors College, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4964
Office: 467 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Developmental, Language Acquisition, Event Processing, Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Development, Developmental Consequences of Malnutrition
Office Hours: Winter 2024: Wednesdays 1-3pm and Fridays 10am-12pm


Dr. Baldwin's research concerns mechanisms that make possible the profound human capacity for learning. Much of her work focuses on infants and young children, given the phenomenal rate at which knowledge acquisition occurs so early in life.  Dr. Baldwin's findings clarify that early-emerging social skill is foundational for children's powerful learning capacity, and she investigates learning mechanisms that in turn underlie the emergence of such early social skill. In two additional lines of research, Dr. Baldwin examines causes and consequences of a) malnutrition for infants' cognitive and socio-emotional development, and b) human behavior in the context of natural hazards, such as major earthquakes. For further information, please visit Dr. Baldwin's website.

Dr. Baldwin is not accepting new graduate students for Fall 2025.

Selected Publications:

Weinstein, N., & Baldwin, D.A. (accepted subject to minor revisions). Reification of infant-directed speech? Exploring assumptions shaping infant-directed speech research. Culture & Psychology.

Baldwin, D., & Kosie, J. (2020). How does the mind render streaming experience as events? Invited Review for Special Issue, Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-27. DOI:10.1111/tops.12502

Baldwin, D., & Kosie, J. (2018). Intersubjectivity and joint attention. The encyclopedia of anthropology. Volume VII, 3405-3414, Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1810