Christopher Michlig

Profile picture of Christopher Michlig
Professor of Art
Clark Honors College Faculty Fellow
Art, Clark Honors College
Office: Chapman Hall (please check in at reception area for office location)
Research Interests: Art & design theory, aesthetics, continental philosophy, critical theory, creative practice
Office Hours: In-person office hours - Tuesday/Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am Chapman 101 &amp; Thursday 10:00am-11:00am Chapman 102 <br /> Zoom meetings by appointment* *I am very happy to arrange zoom meetings outside of my scheduled office hours if necessary


Professor Christopher Michlig makes work in a wide range of media, including collage, printmaking, sculpture, and film. Michlig’s work has been reviewed and featured in Artforum, The Los Angeles Times, Frieze, New City Art Chicago, among others. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at 1301 PE, Los Angeles, Nowhere Gallery, Milan, and Devening Projects + Editions, Chicago. Michlig received an MFA from ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, California and he is currently Professor of Art and Faculty in Residence at the Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon’s College of Design

Michlig's book File Under: Slime (Hat & Beard Press, 2023) collates a cultural history of “slime” and “sliminess,” with particular emphasis on precedents in pop-culture, contemporary art, ecology, science fiction, literature, critical theory, and cinema.⁣ With a foreword by Los Angeles based writer and curator Jan Tumlir, File Under: Slime presents a chronological series of analyses of occurrences of slime, tracking its amorphous and pervasive seepage into the cultural conscience. 

In a SCI-Arc Channel feature, curator and writer Jan Tumlir and faculty member Christopher Michlig break down their recent exhibition at 1301PE Gallery, "Some Like It Cold" - a somber and yet irreverent meditation on the form of the street poster in the age of digitally integrated media. 
Office Hours*
In-person office hours - Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu - 9:30am-11:30am
Office location - Chapman Hall Room 128
Zoom office hours – Friday 10:00am-12:00pm by appointment
*I am very happy to arrange meetings outside of my scheduled office hours if necessary 

