All Faculty and Staff

Dare Baldwin

Full Professor
Phone: 541-346-4964
Office: 467 Straub Hall and 210 Chapman Hall
Research Interests: Development, Language Acquisition, Event Processing, Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Development, Developmental Consequences of Malnutrition, Behavioral Response to Natural Hazards

Corinne Bayerl

Senior Instructor
Clark Honors College
Office: 322 Chapman Hall
Research Interests: 16th to early 18th century literature and culture. Cryptography. Theater. History of the Book. Cultural Translation. French Jansenism & religious dissidents in Early Modern Europe.

Louise Bishop

Associate Professor Emeritus of Literature
Clark Honors College, Medieval Studies
Phone: 541-346-0733
Office: 212 Chapman Hall
Research Interests: Medieval Literature, especially Middle English literature; Medievalism

Eric Boggs

Senior Instructor I
Lundquist College of Business, Management
Phone: 541-346-4659
Office: Lillis 464

Steve Boswell

Instructor, Clark Honors College

Erin Bradley

Visiting Fellow Eqty Jstc Incl

Paula Braswell

Director of Admissions, Belonging and Family Engagement
Clark Honors College
Phone: 541-346-2593
Office: 124 Chapman Hall

Elizabeth Budd

Evergreen Associate Professor
College of Education, Family and Human Services, Prevention Science
Phone: 541-346-2173
Office: 357 HEDCO Education Bldg
Research Interests: public health, health promotion, health equity, health disparities, weight stigma, weight-based discrimination, youth/adolescents, Latinx, physical activity, healthy eating, chronic disease prevention, built environment, policy, neighborhoods, schools

John Burridge

Information Support Technician
Clark Honors College
Phone: 541-346-3914
Office: Remote; coworking office space in Chapman Hall
Research Interests: end-user support and training, documentation, webpage design, desktop security