HC101H - Making Space for Our Stories: Immigrant and Refugee Experiences of Coming to America

Professor: Yalda Asmatey

4.00 credits

  • CRN 12403: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 202
  • CRN 12407: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 202

This first-year seminar is an exploration of the depth and power of storytelling in our lives. The course will specifically look at graphic memoirs as creative and immersive experiences that share unique stories that all too often are suppressed, ignored, and devalued. Each memoir will be discussed within the context of historical, social, cultural, economic, and political realities. The course is as much about understanding qualitative research and getting familiar with a liberal arts curriculum at the Honors College, as it is about learning how to apply storytelling to write our own stories as freshman in college. The course seeks to celebrate the possibilities of owning our own stories and learning how to apply what we have learned to what you will learn in the years to come.