The Robert D. Clark Honors College (CHC) invites proposals from University of Oregon career and tenure-related faculty to teach courses in 2025-26. The review of applications will begin on December 2, 2024, but we will accept applications until the CHC has concluded the appointment process for 2024-25. The majority of the schedule is expected to be set by February 2025, but teaching opportunities may arise throughout the year and interested faculty should reach out to inquire regarding openings.
The CHC Participating Faculty program (formerly known as the Affiliated Faculty Program) allows tenure-related and career faculty from across the university to teach an in-load course with the CHC. Tenure-related faculty interested in joining the CHC core faculty and moving their teaching and service into the CHC for a renewable three-year term should apply to the CHC Faculty Fellows Program.
The Clark Honors College provides opportunities for faculty across the curriculum to teach innovative and engaging small-format (maximum 19 students) seminars on topics of their choosing at the lower or upper division level. This year, participating faculty are teaching classes such as The Politics of the Fantastic, Trans-Disciplinary Problem Solving in Public Health, and Bitcoin: Is it Dead Yet? You can read more about our curriculum and our courses on the CHC website.
For more information about the CHC curriculum please see the CHC Teaching sharepoint site (if you do not have access, please complete this form and you will be added).
Application Instructions and Submission Materials
Applicants should plan on teaching the proposed course themselves and must hold a terminal degree in their field of study prior to the start of the 2025-26 academic year. All proposals will undergo a competitive review process by the CHC Curriculum Committee. The committee will consider the following criteria:
- The applicant’s record of successful and innovative teaching and pedagogy
- The course’s contributions to equity and inclusion, either through course content or inclusive pedagogical approach
- The disciplinary grounding and interdisciplinary approaches utilized in the course and its contributions to the balance of the CHC curriculum
- The incorporation of active learning strategies that take advantage of the opportunities presented by a small class format
- The commitment to developing students’ written and oral communication and critical reading and thinking skills
Please be aware that preference will be given to tenure-related applicants.
Course proposals must be submitted via the Clark Honors College Participating Faculty Course Proposal online form. Along with the application, please upload the following documents as a single combined PDF file:
- Academic CV
- Description of the Proposed Course
- Option A: If a version of the course has previously been taught either in the CHC or a different context, please attach the full syllabus, note the preferred/possible course level(s), and include a brief statement on how the course might be adapted to the CHC context.
- Option B: If you are proposing a new class, please write a brief 1-2 page proposal that includes the following information:
- Course title and preferred/possible course level(s), flexibility encouraged!
- Course description (250 words max)
- Summary list of topics to be covered (if not included in course description)
- 1-2 examples each of the kinds of readings and graded work that might be assigned
- Brief discussion (250 words max) of how the course will take advantage of the small CHC class size (e.g., classroom pedagogies, writing-intensive assignments, types of projects and presentations, etc.)
- In addition to the course proposal, an example of a full syllabus and/or an assignment from a class you have taught previously to help the committee get a sense of your pedagogical approach
Faculty with questions about teaching in the CHC or the online submission process should contact Daphne Gallagher at daphne@uoregon.edu.