Major: Education
Former Member, CHC Advisory Council
Assistant Superintendent, Issaquah School District

Margaret is the first graduate of the Clark Honors College. Previously part of the University of Oregon Sophomore Honors Program, she joined the newly minted honors college during its first year of operation, for her senior year 1960-61. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education. Margaret is a member Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, and Pi Lambda Theta, an education honorary. During her senior year, she chaired the Honors College Board. As a sophomore (1958-59), she was editor and managing editor of Oregana, the university yearbook.
After graduation, Margaret devoted herself to education, earning her master’s in educational psychology from the University of Washington in 1979. She began working in the Issaquah School District, a suburban district east of Seattle with approximately 16,000 students, the same year. Until her retirement in 2003, Margaret held administrative responsibility for gifted programs, special education, vocational education, technology, student discipline, and served as school psychologist (1979 - 92), assistant to the superintendent and then assistant superintendent (1992 - 03).
Since retirement, Margaret has held leadership positions in many family support agencies in her community such as the United Way Eastside Community Council, the Educational Tutoring and Consulting School, and the Eastside Human Services Forum. In 2007, she was instrumental in creating and still administers the Ruth Roy Memorial Scholarship for gifted students. During her tenure, the Eastside Baby Corner (EBC), an organization providing clothing, supplies and equipment for children from birth to age twelve, moved from an all-volunteer agency to professional board and staff. Today, the EBC serves more than 160 major human service agencies in King County with a budget of over $4 million. Currently, she co-chairs a regional effort to create the Issaquah Human Services Campus, a joint service center for multiple agencies to provide needed services under one roof.
Margaret received the Superintendent’s Award for Excellence form the Issaquah School District in 1990. In 2003, she was named Issaquah School District Employee of the Year, an award presented by the Issaquah Rotary, and received a Catalyst Award for Leadership.
Margaret was celebrated with a prestigious Alumni Award at the 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala of the Clark Honors College.
February 19, 2010