HC101H - Down the Rabbit Hole

Professor: Brian McWhorter & Lisa Munger

4.00 credits

CRN 12225: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 202

In the opening chapter of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Alice’s riverbank reverie is interrupted by a white rabbit, anxiously muttering and checking its pocket watch as it hurries past. “Burning with curiosity,” she pursues it down the rabbit hole and finds herself in an unfamiliar, fantastical world where she must develop new knowledge in order to get around and meet her goals—much like a new student in a liberal arts college. Alice learns to navigate this new world through a variety of processes including observation, experimentation, reflection, and dialogue with the characters she encounters. This course is about encouraging you, like Alice, to follow your curiosity while developing essential scholarly and analytical skills. You will go “down the rabbit hole(s)” of your choice by investigating and communicating ideas that are interesting to you, in a series of assignments—some conventional (e.g. essays, presentations) and some that are a little more adventurous. We will foster an inclusive and supportive learning community by sharing work with each other and providing constructive feedback throughout the process. This course will be co-taught by Lisa Munger, a marine scientist, and Brian McWhorter, a musician and performer.