HC301H - Coral Reef Acoustic Ecology

Professor: Lisa Munger

4.00 credits

  • CRN 22403: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:30am @ LIB 42

This experiential learning course will introduce students to coral reef ecology and marine bioacoustics via a term-long, collaborative research project in partnership with the Misool Marine Reserve in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Through shared readings, lecture, and guided activities, we will gain background knowledge and understanding of current conservation issues. Students will work in teams to specialize in a subtopic of interest, formulate a research question, and analyze underwater audio data using freely available and/or UO-licensed software tools. We will communicate our research in a variety of ways, including conventional scientific formats (written reports, posters, oral presentations) as well as digital media content and other modalities. We will work with our Indonesian partners throughout the term to brainstorm ideas, check in, and share, and together we will help to inform conservation efforts in one of the world’s richest marine ecosystems.