HC434H/431H - Europe Today

Professor: Ian McNeely

4.00 credits

  • CRN 22420: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:50am @ CHA 301

Taken together, the countries of the European Union constitute the world’s second-largest democracy and its third-largest economy. Europe also boasts an enviable quality of life, even as it confronts many of the same challenges we do in the US. As America’s political order veers dangerously into dysfunction, Europe’s robust democracy—however flawed and imperfect—can be an inspiration as we together sort through some of the greatest challenges of our time. This course will take the form of a term-long role-playing game. Students will assume the identities of EU parliamentarians from various countries and join one of five European-wide political parties ranging from left-wing to right-wing. They will then write about and orally debate a series of contemporary issues drawn from today’s headlines (e.g. the war in Ukraine, environmentalism, women’s equality, and multiculturalism). Along the way, students will get a feel for what life in Europe today is actually like, through television, newspapers, podcasts, maps, street views, and other media, plus food. This course is excellent preparation for anyone considering study or travel in Europe, and counts for both social science and global perspectives credit.

Graduation Requirement: This class will fulfill a Social Science Colloquium and the Global Perspectives (GP) cultural literacy requirement.  If the student has already taken a Social Science Colloquium, this class will fulfill both of the following requirements:  an Elective Colloquium and GP cultural literacy.