Course Offerings for Academic Year 2024-2025

These are the classes the Clark Honors College offers through the 2024-25 academic year. These courses are tentative and subject to change. They will be finalized at a later date. 

Fall 2024

Course Number and Name


Day, time, location


HC 101H - Anatomy of a Story


  • CRN 12410: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ CHA 201
  • CRN 12411: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20am @ ESL 107

Nicole Dahmen

HC 101H - The Art and Science of Human Flourishing


  • CRN 12397: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:50am @ CHA 301
  • CRN 15669: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00-3:20pm @ CHA 201

Kate Mondloch

HC 101H - Artificial Intelligence: The Culture of Minds and Machines


  • CRN 12402: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ GSH 132
  • CRN 12405: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ GSH 103

Casey Shoop

HC 101H - Codes and Ciphers: The Cryptographic Imagination


  • CRN 12401: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 201
  • CRN 12406: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ GSH 131

Corinne Bayerl

HC 101H - Deep Dive


  • CRN 12414: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00-3:20am @ CHA 301

Dare Baldwin

HC 101H - Wildlife and Society


  • CRN 12416: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ GSH 131
  • CRN 12413: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ AGH 132

Marisa King

HC 101H - Global Issues


  • CRN 15670: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:50am @ LIB 322

Ellen Fitzpatrick

HC 101H - The Garden and the Wall


  • CRN 12399: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 301
  • CRN 12409: Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 201 

Gantt Gurley

HC 101H - Making Space for Our Stories: Immigrant and Refugee Experiences of Coming to America


  • CRN 12403: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 202
  • CRN 12407: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 202

Yalda Asmatey

HC 101H – Symmetry


  • CRN 12400: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ New Residence Hall 129
  • CRN 12408: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ GSH 130

Lindsay Hinkle

HC 101H - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands


  • CRN 12396: Monday & Wednesday, 8:30-9:50am @ CHA 201
  • CRN12415: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ CHA 202

Tobin Hansen

HC 221H - Climate Change and the Problem of Representation


  • CRN 15676: Monday & Wednesday, 6:00-7:20pm @ FEN 119

Casey Shoop

HC 221H - Epic Influences: Poetry, Leadership, and You


  • CRN 15672: Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 301

Barbara Mossberg

HC 221H - Music and Meaning


  • CRN 15674: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ LIB 42

Lydia Van Dreel

HC 221H - Philosophy of Sport 


  • CRN 12421: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ AGH 130 

Peg Weiser

HC 231H - Civil Rights in Higher Education


  • CRN 12426: Monday & Wednesday, 4:30-5:50pm @ 348 MCK

Jessica Price

HC 231H – Fashion and Media


  • CRN 15682: Tuesday & Thursday, 4:00-5:20pm @ ANS 192 

Donnalyn Pompper

HC 231H - Human Care and Intimacy


  • CRN 15678: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 201

Tobin Hansen

HC 231H - Intercultural Communication


  • CRN 15673: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:20am @ CON 301

Hadil Abuhmaid

HC 231H - "Nothing about us without us:" Disability and Gender


  • CRN 15680: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ GSH 130 

Judith Raiskin

HC 231H - Oral Advocacy and Argument


  • CRN 12424: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ GSH 132

Trond Jacobsen

HC 241H - AI for Good


  • CRN 12428: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20am @ PSC B042 

Stephen Fickas

HC 241H - Geology of Campus


  • CRN 12431: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ LIB 42
  • CRN 15684: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ CHA 201

Kristen Rahilly

HC 241H - The Habitable Earth


  • CRN 16964: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 301

Jesse Wilson

HC 241H - Environmental Problem-Solving


  • CRN 12427: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:50am @ CHA 202
  • CRN 12430: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ AGH 130

Jean Faye

HC 277H - Thesis Orientation


  • CRN 12434: Thursday, 10:00-11:20am @ PET 105; Rebecca Altman
  • CRN 15689: Tuesday, 8:30-9:50am @ FEN 119; Yalda Asmatey
  • CRN 12432: Wednesday, 8:30-9:50am @ GSH 131; Jesse Wilson
  • CRN 12438: Tuesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ MCK 471; TBD
  • CRN 15691, Friday 11:00-12:20 @ CHA 301, Jean Faye

Rebecca Altman

Yalda Asmatey

Jesse Wilson


Jean Faye

HC 301H - Beneath the Surface Science


  • CRN 15697: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:50pm @ CHA 201

Rebecca Altman

HC 301H - Hazardous Waste


  • CRN 12443: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ CHA 301

Michael Moffitt

HC 301H - Interviews, Field Notes, and Cognitive Mapping


  • CRN 15696: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:20pm @ CHA 202

Christopher Michlig

HC 301H - Research Methods in Environmental Studies


  • CRN 12440: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00-3:50pm @ ESL 199
  • CRN 12442: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ CHA 301

Ellen Fitzpatrick

HC 421H - Applying Design Thinking and Design Research to Creative Problem Solving


  • CRN 16750: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:00-9:50am @ GSH 103

Steven Boswell

HC 421H - Emerson, Einstein, and ?: Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century


  • CRN 16544: Monday & Wednesday, 8:00-9:50am @ CHA 301

Barbara Mossberg

HC 421H - Inside-Out Prison Exchange: Ethics, Religion, and Literature: George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda


  • CRN 16708: Tuesdays at Oregon State Penitentiary 

Steven Shankman

HC 421H - Reproductive Medical Ethics 


  • CRN 16712: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:50pm @ LIB 322 

Ed Weiser

HC 421H - Slime and Sliminess


  • CRN 12453: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00-11:50am @ LA 143

Christopher Michlig

~ HC 434H/421H - Traveling the Portuguese-Speaking World


  • CRN 16614: Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:50pm @ CHA 202 

Lanie Millar

HC 431H - Cooperative Game Theory: An Investigation of Fairness Principles


  • CRN 16619: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00-3:50pm @ CHA 202 

Anne van den Nouweland

HC 431H - Labor Organizing and the Struggle for Justice at Work


  • CRN 16616: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:20pm @ GSH 103 

Gordon Lafer

HC 431H - Launching New Ventures


  • CRN 16617: Tuesday & Thursday, 4:00-5:50 @ CHA 301

Peter Thorsson

HC 431H - Talking to People: Interviewing as Data and as Dialogue


  • CRN 16729: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ GSH 132

Allison Taylor-Adams

HC 444/431H – Diversity and Intergroup Relations


  • CRN 16602: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00-11:20am @ CHA 202

Chanel Meyers

HC 434/421H - The Arab World through Cinema


  • CRN 16796: Tuesday & Thursday, 4:00-5:20pm @ CHA 202 

Hadil Abuhmaid

HC 441H - The Art of Data Manipulation


  • CRN 12462: Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:50pm @ CHA 201

Rebecca Altman

HC 441H- Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Neuroscience Journalism


  • CRN 15704: Fridays, 9:00-11:50am @ CHA 201

Nicole Dudukovic

HC 441H - Introduction to Psychology and Neuro-linguistics


  • CRN 16615: Monday & Wednesday, 4:00-5:20pm @ CON 330 

Nayoung Kwon

HC 441H - Is Bitcoin Dead Yet?


  • CRN 12463: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:50am @ GSH 132 

Micah Warren

HC 441H - Psychological Science & Law


  • CRN 16438: Monday & Wednesday, 2:00-3:50 @ CHA 301

Robert Mauro

HC 477H – Thesis Prospectus


  • CRN 12472: Thursdays, 10:00-11:50am @ STB 251; Kristen Rahilly
  • CRN 12474: Tuesdays, 2:00-3:50pm @ CHA 102; Michael Moffitt
  • CRN 15705: Tuesdays, 4:00-5:50pm @ MCK 345; Michael Moffitt
  • CRN 15706: Wednesdays, 10:00-11:50am @ CHA 101: Brian McWhorter
  • CRN 15707: Wednesdays, 12:00am-1:50pm @ CHA 101: Brian McWhorter
  • CRN 15708: Wednesdays, 2:00-3:50pm @ CHA 102; Daphne Gallagher
  • CRN 16699: Wednesday, 5:30-7:20pm @ SYNC WEB; Tobin Hansen

Kristen Rahilly

Daphne Gallagher

Michael Moffitt

Brian McWhorter

Tobin Hansen

Winter 2025

The following courses are tentative and could be subject to change. They will be finalized at a later date. 

Course Number and Name


Day, Time, Location


HC 221H - "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead:" Narratives of Retribution and Revenge



Ulrick Casimir

HC 221H - Creative Nonfiction: GenZ Style



Nicole Dahmen

HC 221H - In Search of Belonging: The Consolations of Community in Contemporary Literature and Cinema



Dawn Marlan

HC 221H - 12,000 Colors



Christopher Michlig

HC 221H - Eco Literature and the Green Imagination



Barbara Mossberg

HC 221H - Climate Change and the Problem of Representation



Casey Shoop

HC 221H - Music and Meaning



Lydia Van Dreel

HC 231H - Body Politic and the Art of Perception



Anita Chari

HC 231H - TBD



Yalda Asmatey

HC 231H - The Protein Wars



Hannah Cutting-Jones

HC 231H - Deportation from the United States



Tobin Hansen

HC 231H - Oral Advocacy and Argumentation



Trond Jacobsen

HC 241H: The Science of Learning and Memory



Nicole Dudukovic

HC 241H - Thinking and Deciding



Robert Mauro

HC 241H - Music to Your Ears: The Science of Song



Rebecca Altman

HC 241H - Black Holes: From Science Fiction to Science Fact




HC 241H - Pick Your Poison



Lindsay Hinkle

HC 241H - Psychoactive Drugs: Neurons to Neighborhoods



Christina Karns

HC 277H - Thesis Orientation



Rebecca Altman

Yalda Asmatey



Elizabeth Raisanen

HC 301H - "Build My Gallows High:" Written and Cinematic Noir



Ulrick Casimir

HC 301H – TBD



Nicole Dudukovic

HC 301H - Facilitating Resilient Communities: Designing and Evaluating Programs in Public Service



Ellen Fitzpatrick

HC 301H – Hazardous Waste



Michael Moffitt

HC 421H – TBD




HC 421H - Louis Armstrong: The Sound of a Century



Brian McWhorter

HC 421H - Short Film Form; All Summer in a Day



Christopher Michlig

HC 421H - Thinking Like the Sun: Stellar Knowledge of the Woods, Seeds, Swamps, and Infinity of You



Barbara Mossberg

HC 434H/421H - Cryptography and Cultural Memory



Corinne Bayerl

HC 434H/421H - Magic, Uncanny, Surrealistic and Fantastic Tales



Dorothee Ostmeier

HC 444H/421H - How the West Was Spun: Myth and History in the American West 



Casey Shoop

HC 431H – Leadership and Storytelling



Eric Boggs

HC 431H - The Theory and Practice of Community Development



Ellen Fitzpatrick

HC 431H – Evolution of Citizenship



Tobin Hansen

HC 431H – Housing and Homelessness



Claire Herbert

HC 434H/431H - Displacement and Health



Yalda Asmatey

HC 444/431H - Out in the Archives: Preserving LGBTQ History



Judith Raiskin

HC 444H/431H – Transdisciplinary Problem-Solving in Public Health



Liz Budd

HC 441H - The Art of Data Manipulation



Rebecca Altman

HC 441H - Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Public Science



Dare Baldwin

HC 441H - The Universe at Your Fingertips: Projects in Astronomical Data Analysis and Imaging




HC 441H - Verifying the Viral: Investigating Science on Social Media



Lindsay Hinkle

HC 477H - Thesis Prospectus



Corinne Bayerl

Spring 2025

The following courses are tentative and could be subject to change. They will be finalized at a later date. 

Course Number and Name


HC 101H - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Tobin Hansen

HC 221H – Ancient Comedy

Corinne Bayerl

HC 221H - Creative Nonfiction: GenZ Style

Nicole Dahmen

HC 221H – TBD


HC 221H – Birth of the Novel

Gantt Gurley

HC 221H - The Politics of the Fantastic

Jenifer Presto

HC 231H - TBD

Yalda Asmatey

HC 231H – In and Out of the Museum

Eleonora Redaelli

HC 241H - Black Holes: From Science Fiction to Science Fact


HC 241H - Human Factors: Making Mistakes and Creating Catastrophes

Robert Mauro

HC 231H - The Protein Wars

Hannah Cutting-Jones

HC 231H - Deportation from the United States

Tobin Hansen

HC 241H - Knowing and Saving our Relatives: Primate Ecology and Conservation

Larry Ulibarri

HC 277H - Thesis Orientation

Yalda Asmatey


Daphne Gallagher


Casey Shoop

HC 301H - Beneath the Surface Science

Rebecca Altman

HC 301H - "Build My Gallows High:" Written and Cinematic Noir

Ulrick Casimir

HC 301H – TBD

Nicole Dudukovic

HC 301H - Experiential Anatomy and Somatic Therapies

Lydia Van Dreel

HC 421H - Lie to Me: Techniques in Prose Fiction

Ulrick Casimir

HC 421H – TBD


HC 421H – TBD

Casey Shoop

HC 421H - TB or Not to Be: Writing, Sickness and Death

Gantt Gurley

HC 434H/421H: African American Writers in Paris

Corinne Bayerl

HC 444H/421H - Music and Identity

Lydia Van Dreel

HC 444H/421H – Media Fandom and Identity

Dayna Chatman

HC 444H/421H - Black Literature, Science, and Reproductive Justice

Angela Rovak

HC 431H - Psychology of Fascism

Robert Mauro

HC 431H – TBD

Michael Moffitt

HC 434H/431H - The Political Economy of War and Peace in the Middle East

Ellen Fitzpatrick

HC 434H/431H- Global Reality Television

Bish Sen

HC 444H/431H – Health Equity

Erin Bradley

HC 444H/431H - Inside-Out Prison Exchange: Autobiography as Political Agency

Anita Chari

HC 441H – Bread 101

Karen Guillemin

HC 441H – Water: A Deep Dive

Lindsay Hinkle

HC 477H - Thesis Prospectus

Anita Chari

Ellen Fitzpatrick

Lindsay Hinkle

Trond Jacobsen

Michael Moffitt

Elizabeth Raisanen

Summer 2025

The following courses are tentative and could be subject to change. They will be finalized at a later date. 

Course Number and Name





+ HC 221/231: Students may decide to fulfill either the HC 221H or HC 231H requirement at the time of registration. They cannot fulfill both.

++ HC 444/421: Class will fulfill Arts and Letters colloquium and US: Difference, Inequality, and Agency cultural literacy requirements. If Arts and Letters has already been fulfilled, course will meet both elective colloquium and US: Difference, Inequality, and Agency requirements.

* HC 444/431: Class will fulfill Social Science colloquium and US: Difference, Inequality, and Agency requirements. If Social Science has already been fulfilled, course will meet both elective colloquium and US: Difference, Inequality, and Agency requirements.

** HC 434/431: Class will fulfill Social Science colloquium and Global Perspectives requirements. If Social Science has already been fulfilled, course will meet both elective colloquium and Global Perspectives requirements.

~ HC 434H/421H: Class will fulfill Arts and Letters colloquium and Global Perspectives cultural literacy requirements. If Arts and Letters has already been fulfilled, course will meet both elective colloquium and Global Perspectives requirements.